Crunchy Salad

Crunchy Salad

I can’t believe it’s been 2 1/2 years since I’ve updated these pages. Apologies to my beloved and loyal followers. I could make excuses…there was a global pandemic…I’m working on a cookbook…but I will refrain from elaborating.

What have I been doing? Lots of cooking! Bob and I have kept up with hiking every Friday. Thanks to Meg, I’ve been working with a new, beautiful clay body, Brown Bear Clay from Kentucky Mudworks. I’ve been super happy with the way it fires with my glazes. You can see the new pieces in tablescapes on my Instagram feed.

Last week, Brian asked me for a couple of recipes and encouraged me to get back to blogging. So, I resolved to try to learn the new WordPress software. I’m starting off simple; this post is an attempt to educate my old brain.

I learned this technique for making super crispy veggies for salad from a recipe recently published in Cook’s Illustrated. It’s brilliant! You soak thinly sliced raw veg in ice water for several hours. They plump up and their texture becomes crunchy and juicy. I have been kind of obsessed with this technique and all its possibilities.

Here, I’ve soaked red cabbage, beets, carrots, celery, scallions, and radishes in ice water with a pinch of salt for two hours (you can go up to 24). I drained and dried them on towels and then dressed them in my current favorite tahini dressing: tahini, honey, lime juice, and enough water to make it drizzle-able.

Serve a big pile of this over your favorite homemade or store-bought hummus, add some crumbled cheese (here Seriously Sharp Cheddar, but feta would be perfect) and a sprinkle of pomegranate arils if you have them.

I hope you try this. Now that it’s spring, I think we’re all craving color and crunch.

Leave me a comment and say hi!

This entry was posted in easy, gluten free, healthy, low carb, salad, sauce, side dish, side dishes, simple recipes, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

57 Responses to Crunchy Salad

  1. This was a wish come true. I wanted to make the type of crispy vegetable salad that you are describing, thank you, Deb!


  2. Judi says:

    Welcome back and I love your salad idea! I will be making it very soon:)


  3. Ruth says:

    So excited to see your post, Dr. Deb! Love this salad concept. Looking forward to more …


  4. Kathleen Gargiulo says:

    Great to see your posts. That salad is making my mouth water.


  5. Marina says:

    All is right in the world …… clearly it isn’t if you follow the news but to open email and see this familiar blog there made me feel like home. So, in my little humble abode, all is right and I will be chilling with the vegetables 👍💯👏💕


  6. I couldn’t have been more thrilled when I saw the email alert for a new post in my inbox. So glad you’re back on here, Deb. And, a cookbook…YES, PLEASE! xo


  7. Helen says:

    It look appetising and delicious!


  8. Kim Skalaski says:

    The dressing sounds wonderful! Can you share the proportions?


  9. Judy Duboff says:

    Very nice! I love your food and pots…2 of my favorite subjects!🥰


  10. Ginny says:

    Love the page, Dr. Deb.


  11. Florence Coman says:

    Wonderful! Love the pix, text, and all.

    I’m especially happy that you linked this from fb since I won’t stay there once they start charging (and maybe before then).


  12. Terrie says:

    I saw the article in cooks illustrated that you mentioned, but I haven’t tried the technique yet. Your beautiful salad has inspired me…!


  13. mmschweitzer says:

    So happy you’re blogging again! This looks like something I would really like.


  14. Congratulations on stepping back in!
    And this salad, I cannot wait to try this method out. 🥰


  15. ktnunes says:

    I got into password hell so this may come through twice, but my comment was that I had not seen that technique before, so thanks for the post!


  16. Susan from Wisconsin says:

    Spring hasn’t quite sprung here except on the calendar but this sounds perfect for when it finally does. I’m doing shepards pie, beet salad and Irish soda bread for a special dinner on Saturday.


  17. by Sue Aikman says:

    That is brilliant! I will definitely be trying it.


  18. Sara Lima says:

    Your photos of food are always an inspiration for me. This expanded format is great; we get more of a discussion. Learning new things keeps the brain elasticity. Thanks!


  19. rayman1950 says:

    Oh to be back in Warwick for lunch!! Out here in Utah my son and his family are vegan. Always looking for me and fun recipes. I’ll try this one very soon…


  20. Steve Houtz says:

    Enjoying this post!


  21. Deb, I too have been afraid of my website. You inspire me yet again with your crunchy salad and the need to get in and try and learn new things this spring.


  22. Betty Weiss says:

    I have just been thinking that my meals could use more crunch!


  23. Melanie McGrath says:

    You got this, cousin! Everything you do is beautiful and thoughtful. Carry on!


  24. Maria Rasco-Rowley says:

    👋 All your dishes always look so delicious 😋


  25. Donna says:

    As usual, your food is art!!
    Love the photo with that gorgeous rock!


  26. Conan Cocallas says:

    Looks terrific! (Nice lighting, too! 😉


  27. Betsy says:

    Hi Dr Deb!


  28. Jara says:

    Looks wonderful, will be trying this technique soon!


  29. sbgrdh says:

    I am so glad you are doing this again! My hubby loves your recipes and all your photos and creations are so nice to see.Miss ya!😘😎


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