

Welcome! This website is about pots. And food. For me, these two things are inextricably linked. I make pots for eating and serving food. I make food to eat and serve out of pots. I love to feed people and I love to make pots for people.

The process of transformation is inherent to working with clay and to cooking. Ingredients are transformed by peeling, cutting and combining. Clay is transformed by shaping on the wheel, trimming, decorating, and glazing. The application of heat is important in the final transformation of clay to pottery and ingredient to finished dish. And when heat is in the form of fire itself, that transformation is especially dramatic.

As a potter, cook, mother, and psychologist, I am interested in creating and witnessing transformation.  In making this site, I have tried to transform words and pictures into the story of my relationship with pots and with food.

I hope you enjoy the site!
imagefigsapple crisp

my foodgawker gallery

62 Responses to Home

  1. Barbara says:


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very exciting how you describe the relation between pots and food, joining form and function. Your unique self seeing that relation in your own unique way. Love it, and love how the site exemplifies that relation. Just beautiful!


  3. Judy Duboff says:

    Great website and great potter and person!!!!!


  4. Joan Tirrell says:

    Congrats, Deb, on a lovely website that so beautifully reflects, in words and pictures, your passions and your gifts!


  5. bizdatausa says:

    It’s difficult to say what I enjoy more: your pottery, your food (pictures), or your friendship! Keep up the good work, Deb!


  6. Patty Monteleone says:

    Thank you for allowing me into this beautiful place called “debspots”. It is truly inspiring, soulful and simply fun. Bravo and Bon appetite! 💙


  7. Miriam says:

    Absolutely beautiful! The food, the pots, the writing….you ❤


  8. Karen LoSchiavo says:

    What a beautiful portrayal of food as art within an artistic clay creation! I really enjoyed your creations!


  9. Ashley says:

    Loving your website! I check it all the time. Everything looks delicious and the pottery is beautiful.


  10. Ali Francis says:

    Deb! Please teach me how to make beautiful pottery!


  11. taryndemuro says:

    Beautiful website, Deb! You are so talented and your pottery is beautiful. I would love to purchase some of your pottery!


  12. Allan Craig Wallace says:

    Hi Deb! Your Website is beautiful! I can clearly see the hard work and dedication to your craft! Very nice!
    Allan Craig Wallace


  13. Russ says:

    Hey, Deb,

    Impressive! AND….your food impresses me. We live in a culinary wasteland here in Warwick….no, Orange County. Good to see someone knows good food!



  14. mylongevitykitchen says:

    I just love following you on Instagram, and I finally popped over to your blog! You are an interesting and inspiring woman, to say the least. I look forward to purchasing your pottery one day soon. It will truly enhance my food photos!
    -Marisa Moon
    IG: @mylongevitykitchen


  15. dinahonke says:

    Chickpea, loved this post and shared it on FB. If I named myself after a fruit it would be pomegranate: http://oliveoilandlemons.com/pomegranates/. Just had a long look through your online enterprise of pottery and food and loved it all. You express yourself in a beautiful, personal way.


  16. Vickie says:

    I love the website, and it’s easy to navigate on my phone (which isn’t my preferred method to look at websites.) your Instagram posts inspire me to cook, exercise and create! And what a beautiful area you live in. BTW, I’m @vickielaguera on IG. Thanks for sharing your pictures and posts! They fill my soul.


  17. Lu Douglas says:

    I just love your whole philosophy, Deb, and have been following you on Instagram. The meaning in pots to eat from is immeasurable. Making pots for this purpose is rewarding and not without great skill. It helps to love food ( and we both do hehe). I think that truly helps in making finctional, easyto use wares.
    And your glazes!! Oh they’re so beautiful. Do you fire in gas/reduction? I’m expecting so. I used to but moved state abdnow use a club kiln with a liceky group. I am trying not to purchase another since I’m doing more printmaking and artists books (@wildaboutbooksnprint) and glass @kssedbytheflame and of course my yarn is therapy @wildaboutyarn these days. However, clay is creeping back in. Its forcing thru my veins. Its definitely in my blood : ) i look forward to more of your beautiful pics and recipes. Off to make mindfulness muffins. lu x


    • debspots says:

      Hi Lu, Wecome!! Most of my pots are fired here in Big Bertha, my electric Kiln. I use Standard glazes, and layer them, often with wax resist. I travel to wood fire once or twice a year, my true love. Let me know how you like the muffins! 💙💙


  18. Sally Zucker says:

    Hi Deb! I loved the fact that you pulled away the veil to let everyone know life is not perfect. My husband has had cancer twice and it is very hard. He’s ok but lives from scan to scan. Not good. I empathize with you and your struggles. Hope the Lyme disease is coming to an end and my thoughts are with you and your parents.💕


  19. Terri Casaleggio says:

    Looking forward to exploring your blog.


  20. Lynn R Warren says:

    Hi🙋🏻I’ve been following you on Instagram and love your art in pottery and food… I’d love to know how you put the crispy on your chicken😁


  21. Erica Banderob says:

    I made the roasted carrot hummus that you mentioned on the Cooks Illustrated Facebook page, and it was absolutely delicious — we ate so much of it as an appetizer that we hardly wanted to eat any dinner!


  22. So alive with inspiring interconnected & meaningful relationship! Thank you for uplifting me by sharing your life here, in this way,


  23. So alive with inspiring interconnected & meaningful relationship! Thank you for uplifting me by sharing your life here, in this way.


  24. Susan Kridler says:

    I just had to sign up after seeing and reading your posts on ATK page. Thank you for your inspiration and uplifting posts. Your pots are spectacular.


  25. Hi Deb, “Met” you through ATK on Facebook. LOVE the bowls you posted!! Can’t wait to see more.


  26. michelle says:

    Looks fantastic! I was justing wondering about how hard would it be for you to make this


  27. Your food and pots compliment each other. Both are beautiful.


  28. Heidi Johnsom says:

    Thrilled you posted this on the ATK site. Deborah. I am looking forward to following you with great anticipation!


  29. Carol Lourea-Black says:

    I see and love your posts on FB. This is the first time I’ve seen this blog and am wondering if you sell the beautiful bowls you make. Pre pandemic I frequented craft shows and prefer to buy things that are made by individuals as opposed to mass produced. These items are not only a pleasure to look at and use but also seem so much more personal. I’d be so happy to own something you create.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. debspots says:

    Thanks so much, Carol. I closed down on line and local sales a couple of years ago when my folks were dying and then while settling their estates. Just not enough time to manage the business end and my psych practice and still have time for studio work. Currently working on projects for friends and family. Considering looking for a partner to handle reopening…

    If you’re ever in Warwick, we could arrange a studio tour.


  31. Siobhan Albright says:

    I will definitely be trying your irish brown bread! Thanks for sharing.


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